Dipo Wahyono, Irit Suseno, Khabibul Aziz, Astria Yuli Satyarini Sukendar And Floating Houses

  Kamis, 05 Maret 2020 - 10:14:54 WIB   -     Dibaca: 461 kali

Validity for Ownership of the Floating Houses on the Coast yang ditulis Dipo Wahyono, Irit Suseno, Khabibul Aziz, Astria Yuli Satyarini Sukendar terbit di dalam Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, Volume 121 - 2020 terindeks Scopus. Secara garis besar, berisi Indonesia is Maritime nation. The number of a small island is one of the diversity possessed by Indonesia
beside the diversity of culture and ethnicity. Indonesians who live in coastel areas in their daily lives can not
be separated from their dependence on coastal resources due to the livelihoods of their inhabitans who depend
on the sea. Their livelihood is sourced from the sea, so they choose to live in coastal areas. The potential and
diverse natural resources in coastal areas become an attraction for the community to meet their daily needs, so
that coastal settlements are formed that vary according to the level of community life.
The increasing number of Indonesian people living in coastal areas is their reason to build floating houses in
the coastal area where these floating houses are a place to live and gather a family. The house is a place where
all family members stay and do activities that become daily routine. Based on the wisdom and customs of the
surroundings, the floating houses, which generally belong to fishing communities, were established on their
own initiative. So that its establishment is not based on permission from the government, and does not have
the basis of rights like houses in general on the mainland according to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 28 Year 2009 concerning Regional Taxes and Regional Levies Article 1 paragraph (39). The
existence of a legal vacuum regarding floating houses causes community unrest towards the legitimacy of the
floating houses themselves when in fact the indigenous people themselves have built floating houses long
before the Basic Agrarian Law was made.

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